iMuslim (

British Blogger, Desi Dreamer, Mad Muslimah

Lloyds TSB Threaten to Close Charity Account

The banking group, Lloyds TSB are forcing the Islamic Bank of Britain to close Interpal’s account – a UK-based charity dedicated to helping poor Palestinians (which these days, constitutes most of the population of Palestine, thanks to Israel preventing fuel and food aid from entering Gaza).

The timing could not be worse: the notice comes into effect on December 8th 2008, i.e., around Eid-ul-Adha; a time when Muslims are encouraged to give in charity, so that the less fortunate can also partake in the festival of Eid. How will Interpal process Qurbani donations, if their bank account is closed? Was the date deliberately timed to be as heartless as possible, or is it just plain coincidence?

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Written by iMuslim

November 15, 2008 at 11:34 pm